Monday 17 November 2014

Larix Decidua; Larch

Common Name: Larch

Latin Name: Larix Decidua

Type: Deciduous 

Location: Highfield Park

Ultimate height: 35m

Ultimate spread: 4 – 8m

Located Larix Decidua height: 6m

Leaf Shape: Soft at touch, linear shaped and needle like. Prominent green in colour changing golden yellow prior to falling in autumn.

Bark: Thick, Pinky/brown in colour. Twigs amber/pink in colour; hairless.

Preferred soil type: Well drained sand, clay or loam.

Fruit/Flowers: Larix Decidua is monoecious; male flowers formed on underside of shoots, small and creamy yellow in colour, releasing pollen in spring. Female flowers located at the tips of shoots; pink, green or white in colour. Female flowers ripen into hollow top cones; brown in colour providing seed distribution.

Distribution: Native to Britain

This particular Larix Decidua is located alongside a human made desire line in close proximity to a small stream. Its condition was at the upmost with its bark showing no indication of disease. Amongst the tree was a woodland, home to various species with minimal ground cover surrounding. The ground conditions were moist at touch which may be due to the rain fall. I took a sample of lower level soil and carried out soil pH tests which read to have a pH of indicating the soil to be 

My illustration of the Larix Decidua

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