Tuesday 14 April 2015

Malus Domestica; Apple

Common Name: Apple

Latin Name: Malus Domestica

Type: Deciduous

Location: Levenshulme

Ultimate height: 4 – 8m

Ultimate spread: 4 – 8m

Located Malus Domestica height: 2m

Overall shape: Fan shaped

Leaf Shape: Elliptical shaped with a rounded base. Toothed margin with a slightly pointed tip. Up to 13 cm long.

Bark: Mousey brown/greyish most often fissured

Preferred soil type: Moist but well-drained sand, clay or loam.

Fruit/Flowers: Fruits varied in size/shapes along with the colour. Generally have 5cm width in diameter. Flowers white/tinged pink colour. Growth in stalked clusters.

Distribution: Regularly found scattered across Ireland and Britain throughout cultivation gardens and orchids.

This particular Malus Domestica was found within a community orchid amongst a dividing fence. Its fruit is highly distinctive which enabled me to identify the treeIn close proximity to the tree was a greenhouses, housing chillies and other managed vegetables. Its condition seemed very healthy judging by the fruit produced although its growth seemed to need assisting as a result of the wood tied to its trunk. The ground conditions were moist but loose. I took a sample of lower level soil and carried out soil pH tests which read to have a pH of indicating the soil to be 

My illustration of the Malus Domestica

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