Friday 3 October 2014

Ranunculus Acris; Meadow buttercup

Common Name: Meadow Buttercup

Latin Name: Ranunculus Acris

Type: Annual/Biennial/Evergreen/Herbaceous perennial

Location: Owens Park

Ultimate height: 0.5 – 1m

Ultimate spread: 0.1 – 0.5m

Located Ranunculus Acris height: 10-15cm

Leaf Shape: Rounded, palmately lobed.

Bark: Finely haired stem, green in colour.

Preferred soil type: Moist but well-drained chalk, clay, sand or loam

Fruit/Flowers: Fruits are hook-tipped with a rounded head shape. Flowers are bowl shaped, 2.5cm wide and bright glossy yellow in colour.  

Distribution: Native to Europe

This particular Ranunculus Acris was found amongst thin grasses within the fields of Owens Park. I identified this plant by its distinctive leaves as the flowers were not present. In close proximity to the plant was a large man made stream. The ground conditions were slightly moist possibly from the light rainfall. I took a sample of lower level soil and carried out soil pH tests which read to have a pH of indicating the soil to be 

My illustration of the Ranunculus Acris

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