Wednesday 4 March 2015

Rubus Fruticosus; Bramble

Common Name: Bramble

Latin Name: Rubus Fruticosus

Type: Evergreen

Location: Milnthorpe, Lake District.

Ultimate height: 3m

Ultimate spread: 1 – 2.5m

Located Rubus Fruticosus height: 0.5 - 1m

Leaf Shape: Toothed, cordate/oval shaped leaves.

Bark: Tough arched stems covered in sharp thorns, Pinky/red/brown in colour

Preferred soil type: Most soils

Fruit/Flowers: Fruits being the familiar blackberries, gradually changing from green, to red, to deep purple prior to finally turning black when ripe. Flowers being 2 – 3cm in width and white or pink in colour.

Distribution: Native unknown

This particular Rubus Fruticosus is located alongside a vehicle desire line in a large mixed woodland. It stands amongst various other shrubs and trees in a mass of what seems self seeded planting. Its location involved many other bramble plants surrounding, creating a boarder to the man made dirt road. Its condition was as suspected for bramble; very well, as bramble tends to thrive in most conditions. The ground conditions were moist and dense which may have been due to the rainfall. I took a sample of lower level soil and carried out soil pH tests which read to have a pH of 7.5 indicating the soil to be ALKALINE

pH chart (GARDENERS mate)
My illustration of the Rubus Fruticosus

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