Wednesday 10 December 2014

Picea Abies; Norway spruce

Common Name: Norway Spruce

Latin Name: Picea Abies

Type: Evergreen

Location: Chadderton

Ultimate height: 44m

Located Picea Abies height: 10 - 12m

Leaf Shape: Stiff, short needle like linear shaped leaves.

Bark: Scaled, brownish/red in colour with resinous patches in maturity.

Preferred soil type: Moist but well-drained loam, clay or sand.

Fruit/Flowers: Small male cones yellowish in colour found in clusters amongst the tip of the shoots. Female cones narrowly oval and can grow up to 18cm in length

Distribution: European Mountains

This particular Picea Abies is located at the entrance of a small car park seemingly planted as a focal point to the park. It is fairly distanced from any other differing vegetation. In close proximity is a row of the same species of tree which appear to be of the same age, connecting this particular Picea Abies to the rest, indicating these trees to be intentionally planted in a grid like pattern as a form of decorative feature. The ground conditions were dry  and quite dense. I took a sample of lower level soil and carried out soil pH tests which read to have a pH of 7.0 indicating the soil to be NEUTRAL

pH chart (GARDENERS mate)
My illustration of the Picea Abies

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