Thursday 4 December 2014

Ulex europeaus; Gorse

Common Name: Gorse

Latin Name: Ulex Europeaus

Type: Evergreen

Location: Dovestones reservoir

Ultimate height: 1.5 – 2.5m

Ultimate spread: 1.5 – 2.5m

Located Ulex europeaus height: 30cm

Leaf Shape: Trifoliate linear shape leading to a pointed tip

Bark: Tough green stem

Preferred soil type: Well drained sand

Fruit/Flowers: Fruits are pod formed; hairy. Its flowers are roughly 2cm long bright yellow in colour with basal bracts 4-5mms long.

Distribution: Western Europe

This particular cluster of Gorse was of an immature age, located in close proximity to a semi large pond of water upon the peak of a mountain away from other vegetation.  The ground conditions were mainly dominated by hard rock however where able, I took a sample of lower level soil and carried out soil pH tests which read to have a pH of 5.0 - 5.5 indicating the soil to be ACIDIC/very ACIDIC.

Soil test result
pH chart (GARDENERS mate)
My illustration of the Ulex europeaus; Gorse

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