Tuesday 9 December 2014

Prunus Laurocerasus; Cherry laurel

Common Name: Cherry laurel

Latin Name: Prunus Laurocerasus

Type: Deciduous/Evergreen

Location: Plattfield Park

Ultimate height: 8m

Ultimate spread: 8m+

Located Prunus Laurocerasus height: 2m

Overall shape: Rounded/fan shaped

Leaf Shape: Leathery at touch, oblong shaped with short pointed tip; tapered base. Up to 20cm in length and 6cm in width

Bark: Dark greyish/brown in colour, often pitted with various tentacles

Preferred soil type: Moist but well-drained chalk, loam, sand or clay

Fruit/Flowers: Fruits round shaped, green in colour gradually turning red to blackish/purple. Fruit contents involve a smooth round shaped stone, slightly ridged margin. Flowers white in colour, generally 13cm in length.

Distribution: Native to the E Balkans

This particular Prunus Laurocerasus is located in the rear gardens of Plattfield Park central to a semi large field of turf. It stands amongst various other shrubs and trees in a mass of what seems self seeded planting. Its condition was of the upmost and looked to have sufficient nutrients for maximum growth regardless of the mass of various specie planting surrounding. The ground conditions were moist and dense. I took a sample of lower level soil and carried out soil pH tests which read to have a pH of indicating the soil to be 

My illustration of the Prunus Laurocerasus

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