Monday 14 December 2015

Week 3: Galium Aparine; Cleavers/Goosegrass.


Common Name: Cleavers/ Goosegrass

Latin Name: Galium Aparine

Location: Oldham, Manchester.

Ultimate height: Up to 1.5m 

Located Galium Aparine height: 1m

Leaf Shape: Obovate bristles

Bark: Thin green stems are rough and square with obovate bristles to aid their scrambling growth through other vegetation.

Fruit/Flowers: Fruit consists of nutlets with hooked bristles. Flowers are a greenish white colour, with 4 petals roughly 2mm across which grow in clusters.

Distribution: Common and Widespread throughout the UK

This specie was found amongst many other variation of shrub. The site it is located on was previously home to an industrial mill, resulting in the space being a brown field site. The boarder in which this particular Galium Aparine was subjected too, was in fact bordering a desire line created by human occupancy. This plant, better known as a weed, and those surrounding, had self seeded and are now part of a natural succession. Its dense shrub-like form assists in a wall of seclusion as you walk throughout the space, providing a safety barrier from a 5m drop on the opposite side. Although they are renowned to radical spreading due to their distribution tendencies, this specie was one of only a select few in this entire space. 

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