Monday 14 December 2015

Week 13: Wisteria Sinesis; Chinese Kidney Bean.


Common Name: Chinese Wisteria/ Chinese Kidney Bean

Latin Name: Wisteria Sinesis

Type: Large deciduous climber

Location: Fletcher Moss Park, Didsbury. 

Ultimate height: Higher than 12m

Ultimate spread: Wider than 8m

Located Wisteria Sinesis height: N/A

Overall shape: Strenuous woody climber

Leaf Shape: The twining stems bear pinnate lanceolate green leaves

Bark: Twining dark green stems

Preferred soil type: This climber prefers moist but well drained soil, grows well in sand, clay, chalk and loam.

Fruit/Flowers: Pendulous racemes of fragrant lilac or mauve flowers which open before the leaves in spring and early summer, these can grow up to 30cm in length.

Distribution: Native to China

This specie was located in two places, one being upon the side elevation of a building. The other was found climbing up a timber truss within a separate garden of the park. It was obvious that it had been intentionally implemented as the Wisteria Sinesis was found planted at the base of each individual column of the truss, with the aim to provide a structure for the specie to climb upon and span across. This provides the timber truss with a planted form of overhead shelter. When it's leaves and flowers are present, a colourful spectacular will benefit the space. It is in a healthy condition, with the soils nutrients being solely used by the Wisteria with no surrounding competition. Its wider purpose is to demonstrate a sense of status to the area as implementing such a plant to the space shows complexity and richness in elegance. 

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