Monday 14 December 2015

Week 4: Lonicera Nitida; Baggensen's Gold.

Common Name: Baggensen's Gold

Latin Name: Lonicera Nitida

Type: Evergreen

Location: Oldham, Manchester.

Ultimate height: 1 - 1.5m

Ultimate spread: 1 - 1.5m

Located Lonicera Nitida height: 500mm-1m

Overall shape: Dense shrub with no apparent overall shape 

Leaf Shape: Small ovate shared leaves yellowish in colour turning greener in shade

Bark: No bark, thin brown branches/stems

Preferred soil type: Well drained sand, loam, clay or chalk

Fruit/Flowers: Pale violet berries which are sparsely produced. Flowers are small and white

Distribution: Native of China

I located this particular Lonicera Nitida within a residential area of Oldham, Manchester. It sits alongside the embankment of a stream, and covers a large surface area on both sides of the water. Its placement in this space will be un-intentional and self seeded, as it is scattered at multiple, random locations along the embankment. It provides great habitats for local wildlife, and also functions as a protective barrier to the dangers of falling from heights and drowning. It seemed to be in good health, with little indication to any diseases or damage. The species unique, and dense form has created a filtration system for the area when litter is either being blown around, or floating along the stream as unfortunately, I had noticed many items of litter within. 

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