Monday 14 December 2015

Week 5: Pteridium Aquiline; Braken.

Common Name: Braken

Latin Name: Pteridium Aquiline

Location: Fletcher Moss Park, Didsbury. 

Ultimate height: Up to 1.5m

Located Pteridium Aquiline height: 1m

Leaf Shape: Dark green leather looking leaves are of linear shape with a pinnate formation along the stem. 

Bark: No bark, strong stem which is brown in colour

Distribution: Native British fern

I located this specie within an embankment of the gardens, overlooking the water/pond feature in the centre of the gardens. It was amongst many other specie of plant yet seemed to be in a healthy state, proving that the congestion of plant had no implications with the ability to retrieve enough nutrition. Its condition seemed very well, with each individual leaf being intact for the majority of the plant. Due to its dense nature, it provided an area of seclusion and contemplation, and its subtle green tones also contributed to this. Although it could as well be an un-intentional specie to the garden, I assume it has been planted with intention simply due to its positioning within that specific area, as its function to provide seclusion and richness to the space seems too good of a design to be of a 'random' addition. This may be a wrong observation, and more of an opinion; a reluctance to accept such a natural occurrence and well placement of such beauty to the space. 

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